Term 2
Turner Trip
This term, as part of our art learning, we visited the Turner Contemporary Art Gallery in Margate. We took part in an art workshop, using charcoal and watercolours to draw the scenery and weather. We then had the opportunity to look around the gallery. It was such an amazing opportunity.
Christmas Parties
We took part in our Christmas Party, which this year involved a silent disco. We had a great time!
In RE, we learnt the story of Christmas. We then made these beautiful stables using cellophane to shine through the windows.
In Maths we have been using cubes and 10 frames to help us solve subtraction and addition problems bridging 10.
To lift off our Topic on Explorers, we went for a walk and explore in our local woods. When we arrived, we were given a map with points on for us to find and explore. Once there, we earnt a puzzle piece which we built when back at school. We had to make sure we were working collaboratively and adventurous.
In PE, we have been taking part in Gymnastics. We have been practising our rolls and shapes on the mats.