Term 2
We made Christingles ready for the service on Tuesday 17th December.
Fun facts
Christingle originates from Germany.
The orange represents the world.
The red ribbon is to symbolise God’s love.
The 4 cocktail sticks represent each season and each of the compass points North, East, South and West to demonstrate that god’s love is everywhere in the world.
Each sweet represents God's gifts he gives to us.
The candle represents Jesus, who Christians call the light of the world.
Year 3 trip to the Cathedral
Year 3 visited Canterbury Cathedral to explore how Christianity came to England. We dressed up as St. Augustine, Ethelbert and monks and walked on a tour around the cathedral. We then took part in some different activities linked to the Cathedral such as making stained glass windows; exploring the model of the cathedral and using an ink and quill pen.
Making Arrays
Courtesy class have been learning about multiplication and division. During our maths lessons, we use manipulatives to create arrays. We learnt about commutativity. We then applied our understanding of arrays to answer multiplication and division questions.
During our maths sessions we were using ‘grouping’ to organise classroom resources ready for us to ‘share’ with other classes.
We organised items into groups of 2, 5 or 10.
We were able to calculate how many we had in total by using multiplication facts.
I have 8 groups of Sellotape each, group has 2 sellotapes, I have 16 rolls.
Learning lift off!
For our learning lift off, Courtesy explored what life was like for an Anglo-Saxon. We explored the 5 different values of Anglo-Saxons: Truth, Honour, Bravery, Loyalty and Perseverance. We made connections between the similarities between the Anglo-Saxon values and our school values!
We then designed and created our own shield based on one of the Anglo-Saxon values. Take a look at some of our work.