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Priory Fields School

Priory FieldsSchool

Term 4

Dover Castle Trip

On Wednesday, Respect class, along with Tolerance class, made their way up the hills of Dover to the castle! The children were resilient, if somewhat exhausted, after climbing all the way to the top of Connaught Hill. Our hard work was paid off by an amazing view of Dover, including the thrill of being able to spot our school and even some of the children’s houses!

The visit to the castle was the children’s opportunity to observe all the defensive features we have been learning about in class for our Fortify and Defend topic. As we approached the castle, they got to look at the towering walls, the deep moat and the arrow slits. They sketched the fortifications and wrote great descriptions of the things that they saw. As we walked through the gate to the castle we were treated to another amazing view of the port and the English Channel. Sadly, due to the wet weather, our trip was cut short but not before heading into the baily and venturing into The Great Tower (the keep.)

The children were fabulous history detectives, gathering many facts to use in the Dover Castle guide. They can’t wait to head back later in the term to show you their work and guide you around the castle!

Photos of children exploring Dover Castle

Photos of children exploring Dover Castle

Photos of children exploring Dover Castle