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Priory Fields School

Priory FieldsSchool

Term 1


To celebrate harvest, we made scarecrows. We designed these and used paper and straw to stuff them. We then enjoyed showing our families our creations on the playground and sang some harvest songs.




The Human Body

We have been learning about how the heart works, including the parts of the blood and the role of Red Blood Cells to carry oxygen around the body. We have created writing to explain the journey of a Red Blood Cell.


We created models of a chamber of the heart using a jar and balloon to observe the purpose of valves to stop our blood flowing backwards.

We have also been taking part in training sessions with Mickey, he has been introducing us to different games to look after our physical fitness as well as giving us ideas of how to look after ourselves mentally too.


During English lessons we have been creating biographies, we are really proud of our final, published versions!


Learning Lift Off

Year 6 have had their learning lift off today for our creative curriculum topic 'Fit for Life'. This term we will be focusing on: the human circulatory system and how to keep our bodies (and minds) healthy. We have started this with a bang designing our own smoothies! First, we tasted some pre-existing products, evaluated them and used this to inform our own smoothie designs!

Our text this term is There is a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom by Louis Sachar- we cannot wait to explore the adventures of Bradley and Jeff over the term, but to start off in our English lesson we are looking at biographies! This week we have found out some fascinating facts about Jane Goodall .

In Maths we have been exploring how to read and write numbers up to 10,000,000 using our new maths works books.