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Priory Fields School

Priory FieldsSchool

Term 3

This term we become expert physicists! Forces are pushing and pulling at everything in our Universe. Even as we sit in our classroom, the walls and the ceiling are pushing and pulling at each other, while gravity and friction hold us in our seats. How has Science inspired Art? This term we study a range of artists who have been inspired by Science, we look to Science to inspire our own masterpieces and consider the importance of ‘inspiration’.


In PE, we have been exploring a range of gymnastic moves, spending the last couple of lessons focussing on landing safely. We were all open-minded octopuses and adventurous aardvarks by climbing up the equipment and then jumping off, ensuring we landed safely.

Photos of children doing PE on apparatus

Photos of children doing PE on apparatus

Photos of children doing PE on apparatus


In our creative curriculum lessons, we have been learning all about magnets. We spent some time finding objects around the class that were magnetic and non-magnetic.

Photos of children doing magnets experiements

Photos of children doing magnets experiementsPhotos of children doing magnets experiments

Photos of children doing magnets experiments

‘It was amazing to find out the radiator was magnetic.’

‘Part of the teacher’s lanyard is magnetic.’

We then looked at different types of magnets and conducted a science investigation to find out which magnet was the strongest.

First, we needed to make a prediction.

‘I think the horseshoe magnet is going to be the strongest because it is the biggest.’

‘I think the bar magnet will be the strongest because it is the thickest.’

We then gradually added paper clips to the magnets until the magnet wouldn’t attract any more.

Learning lift-off

To introduce our topic, we completed a range of circuits, to explore different forces. We discussed how we were able to throw and roll objects and move our body parts to enable us to jump and move.

After some discussions, we worked out we were either using the push or pull force.

Photos of learning lift off

Photos of learning lift off

Creative Curriculum

We have explored different forces by using vehicles to explore what happens during a push and pull force.

Photos of forces experiement

‘You pull it backwards.’

‘It is pushed forwards.’

‘I turned it around. I am pushing it as it turns.’

‘This one pulls up.’

We then looked at what motion and friction is and completed an investigation to find out is friction affects the motion of an object.

Photos of forces experiement

First, we had to make a prediction.

‘I think the bubble wrap will have the most friction because it is bumpy.’

Then we worked as collaborative cats to complete the experiment and wrote up our findings.